Results on the 2024 Kentucky State Assessments
Elementary | Proficient Reading: 32% | Distinguished Reading: 10% | Proficient Math: 18% | Distinguished Math: 7%
Middle | Proficient Reading: 26% | Distinguished Reading: 29% | Proficient Math: 28% | Distinguished Math: 12%
High | Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading: 27% | Proficient Math: 29% | Distinguished Math: 4%
Full Data Release:
Mandatory Walkthrough Scheduling:
Scheduling must be done by email to the district technical support contact, and must be scheduled for either February 3rd 2025, or February 4th 2025. Should the district or the vendor not have any availability during this time, the district reserves the right to work out availability with the vendor as long as the rescheduled time falls on a weekday, between the hours of 8am and 4pm with no unfair advantage to the vendor.
Updated IDF Location - RFP Addendum:
Floorplans for the addendum can be requested from: